Wednesday 9 March 2011

Add your DPE rating to your ad - no energy required!

So what are these coloured charts that are causing quite a stir, which are appearing on property websites and in all estate agents windows over France? 

The DPE (Diagnostic de Performance Énergétique) is a report which details the energy performance of a property - it is hoped that its introduction will reduce energy consumption in all homes in France in the future. From 1 January 2011 all landlords and sellers are now required to produce a DPE report on their property before it goes on the market for sale or rent (new or renewed rental lease agreement for a period of more than 4 months only).

Advertisers should display - in the form of a coloured chart - the energy rating figure summarized in the report on all advertisements of property for sale and +4 months rental be they in magazines, newspapers, estate agent’s windows or property websites. The chart will indicate which of the 7 categories, from the letter A for the most energy efficient homes to G, the property falls into. 

The report itself describes the home and the heating system used plus how hot water is produced, insulation and ventilation. The energy source for all heating equipment is then estimated along with the associated costs. The expenditure of energy and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the property are documented and advice is given on how to reduce heating costs, as well as, what work could be carried out on the property to limit the consumption of energy. 

It is compiled by a registered individual, usually working for a company that specialises in other diagnostic reports, such as lead, asbestos, termites, etc. - all of which are required for the sale of a property. These companies are independent of estate agents. A report is valid for 10 years and will cost between €100 and €250, although special deals are on offer if you have all the reports carried out at the same time.

Spiderhome allows advertisers to easily add their energy rating result to their property listing for sale or long term rental. You simply add the figure to the DPE box when creating your advert and the chart will automatically appear on your property page. Don’t forget that short term and holiday rentals do not require this information. If you are awaiting your DPE report, Spiderhome allows you to add this information whenever you can by going into My Account and editing your ad under My Listed Property.